Approval and Romance Guide for Baldur's Gate 3 Wyll: Likes, Dislikes, and Dialogue Options

 Jul 24, 2024

It might be difficult to figure out how to end up with your favorite characters in Baldur's Gate 3 due to the intricate romance system. We will go over Wyll's likes, dislikes, and walkthroughs for each act of the game in this guide to help you figure out how to romance him.

How to Get More Approval from Wyll in Baldur's Gate 3

In order to romance a character in Baldur's Gate 3, you must prioritize raising their Approval rating. This may be accomplished by learning what the character in question—Wyll, for example—likes and hates. Wyll is a brave individual who adores lending a hand to others and despises monsters. Let’s take a closer look at Wyll’s preferences in the next two parts.

Wyll's Preferences

The greatest approach to raise Wyll's approval rating is to act bravely and do nice things for other people. Taking into account Wyll's comments about his compassion, one of his favorite things to see is when others demonstrate their concern for the underdog. Whenever Wyll joins your group, treat every character with bravery and compassion.

When you have the chance, vent your hatred at goblins, devils, and monsters. Wyll despises these animals so much that demonstrating the same would greatly boost your approval rating with him. This is an excellent method to bring your values into line with Wyll's, which will be quite beneficial when it comes to wooing him.

Finally, there will be a point in Gale's personal mission when the player might choose to support Wyll. It's not required, but supporting Wyll will make it lot simpler to fall in love with him later on.

To sum up, to win Wyll over, adhere to the following rules:

  • Show heroism and complete good deeds.
  • Show your hate and dislike towards monsters, goblins, and devils.
  • Side with Wyll during Gale’s personal quest.

Wyll's Distastes

Given Wyll's noble nature, you must emulate him and abstain from any wrongdoing. It's quite easy to achieve this; all you have to do is concentrate on what is morally and ethically right. Wyll will grow to detest you and your approval rating will decrease if you perform bad deeds only for fun.

Putting all of your attention and displaying selfishness is another approach to get Wyll to approve you less. To win Wyll's favor, put others before yourself. He doesn't appreciate those who act indifferent toward others.

As was already said, Wyll hates goblins, demons, and monsters. Never give off the impression that you agree with these monsters, because Wyll will begin to detest you and your chances of falling in love with him will be ruined throughout your playing.

Finally, make sure you don't support Mizora, a character Wyll finds dislikeful. Don't even consider dating Mizora; instead, make sure that, wherever possible, you support Wyll over her. Your hopes of falling in love with Wyll are dashed if you start dating Mizora.

To sum up, avoid doing the following to prevent Wyll from disliking you:

  • Don’t do any evil deeds.
  • Don’t show any signs of selfishness, and make sure to think of others.
  • Don’t engage in cruel behavior.
  • Don’t side with Mizora.
Similar: Lae'zel Approval and Romance Guide for Baldur's Gate 3: Likes, Dislikes, and Dialogue Options

Act 1: Romantic Decisions

In Act One of Baldur's Gate 3, the player must finish the Druid's Grove questline in order to begin the romance with Wyll. Make sure Wyll approves of you before beginning the quest by talking to him and selecting items that suit his interests. Recuperate in your camp after saving Halsin and the refugees during the Druid Grove mission.

While celebrating with the refugees, a prompt to speak with Wyll will occur. Talk to him and choose any option from the first two until he begins to discuss his dance abilities. Next, choose one of the alternatives listed below:

  • I want to dance with you.
  • Can’t you tell why I really followed you out there?

You have to make a decision and then pass a persuasion test before you may kiss Wyll. Wyll will reassure you that you guys may try again later, so don't worry if you don't pass the persuasion check.

The player will choose to either murder Karlach or spare him before moving on to Act Two. Ensure Karlach's death to prevent Mizora from transforming Wyll into a demon.

Act Two: Romantic Option

Proceed with Act Two of Baldur's Gate 3's main narrative until a Wyll-related scenario is triggered. Please be patient as this may occur at any time.

Wyll will be dancing in the camp throughout this scenario, and you will be able to engage with him and choose what to say. In this scenario, you should choose the following:

  • Nice form. Where’d you learn to dance like that? / Stay quiet, and watch Wyll dance.
  • A new partner? And who might that be?
  • Smile and bow.

You then have to clear a skill check. Make careful to choose the following alternatives in case you are unable to pass the skill check:

  • You’re a beautiful dancer. I’m sure you’ll teach me in no time.
  • Smile in embarrassment.
Assuming you pass the talent check, be sure to choose the following options:
  • Take a bow.
  • Smile nervously.

After Wyll begins dancing more passionately with you, choose the choices listed below.

  • Press your lips against Wyll’s.
  • Invite him closer with a knowing look.
  • I was hoping we might spend the night together.
  • Move in for another kiss.

Even if Wyll declines your request to stay the night, his level of approbation will increase and he will begin to see you more romantically.

Act Three: Romantic Option

In Act Three of Baldur's Gate 3, completing the Duke Ravengaurd and discovering the Tale of Ansure is the first step in falling in love with Wyll. Once that's done, there will be another chance to talk to Wyll during a lengthy nap. Wyll will chat endlessly about his history with him. After choosing any initial choice, choose the following:

  • Smile and take Wyll’s Hand.
  • Enjoy the view. Enjoy Wyll’s quiet company.

With those two choices, Wyll will go down on one knee and pop the question. To formally court Wyll, choose one of the two conversation choices below.

  • Yes, yes, yes!
  • Join Wyll in the grass. Give yourself to him completely. / It’s about time. Let’s see what the Blade can do with his weapon.

At last, a romantic scenario will begin as Wyll formally arranges for you to become partners. Throughout the whole playing, keep in mind that you should constantly match your decisions and actions with Wyll's preferences in order to improve your chances.