Review of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

 Jul 23, 2024

One of the most awaited games of all time is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, especially among aficionados of the original title. It's difficult to think this game could live up to the hype considering the huge expectations. However, what if I told you that it surpasses all expectations?

Embrace Change Without Fear

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At the conclusion of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Red XIII, Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, and Barret cross Destiny's Crossroads and stand in front of the endless blue sky outside of Midgar. The group discovers that Sephiroth intends to wipe off the whole globe after a terrifying confrontation with him. But in order to stop Sephiroth, one must do it while under Shinra's pursuit after being named as the world's most wanted terrorist.

This is a ride-hailing game. The Kalm Flashback opens it, revealing Sephiroth's godlike abilities and the shared childhood trauma between Cloud and Tifa. After that, it takes you to the relatively safe Grasslands, where you may find side missions and odd tasks, learn about Remnawave towers, and get a Chocobo. The players converse with Cloud and each other while exploring the area and doing side missions, sharing more about themselves and forging bonds of camaraderie along the way.

Here are all of the original song's key beats. When Barret first encounters Dyne, you'll be able to relate to him, and when Cloud and Tifa seem to recall the same events in different ways, you could feel uncomfortable. But also be ready for some shocks. I wasn't prepared for some of the things that Square Enix was able to pull off, even if certain big moments may not strike you as hard this time. Even for aficionados of the original game, the makers intended for the game to surprise you and add something new, and they were successful in doing so.

Although things go slowly at initially, there are certain tale aspects that linger to entice gamers. The intensity of Cloud's unpredictable actions, Sephiroth's omnipresent shadow, Shinra's unrelenting pursuit of Avalanche, and bizarre happenings that don't appear to fit into the game's history increases with time. My incessant curiosity about what would happen next was often satiated by more intriguing disclosures, greater stakes, and character growth. There are lighthearted and silly moments, but when things go serious, they get serious extremely quick.

Developing Characters

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I've never had a closer bond with role-playing game characters than I do now, having spent more than 100 hours with the characters in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. As can be anticipated from friends traveling together for such a long time, they will argue, quarrel, and support one another. Character development is studied in groups as well as individuals. The creators also intended for players to see the evolution of the characters' collective behavior.

If you look closely, you may see little details like Barret and Yuffie being goofy and feigning a fight in the background while other people are talking about something significant. In ways that were not feasible in 1997, these sequences of events are deftly inserted throughout the main quest and several side missions to assist players in seeing the party members as actual persons.

Character growth and personality development are nothing new in role-playing games, but the Final Fantasy VII Remake does something rather special. The fact that the whole squad stays together for the most of the adventure sets this game apart from others with comparable group dynamics. There are only three members in your party, but the others will always be around. In addition, there are sequences in the game when you assume control of characters other than Cloud and use their special skills to defeat enemies, solve puzzles, and advance the plot. This even occurs in some side missions.

It's mind-blowing, in my opinion, that you begin the game with five party members and finish it with seven. It's obvious that a tremendous amount of work went into giving each character a unique personality and helping them seem more like friends and actual people than story devices or combatants. By the time this novel came to a close, I knew exactly how each character felt about the others. Their theme tunes, conversation delivery, side missions, fighting, and a plethora of other elements all convey that. I simply adore it, but it's too much!

Everyone is in attendance


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Rebirth is a direct successor to Final Fantasy VII Remake, so anticipate enhanced versions of the critically praised combat system from the first game. The characters may now launch team-up assaults since they have synergy talents. Some of the most interesting character interactions in the game take the fight to new heights of excitement, enjoyment, and strategy.For example, Barret may leap in front of Aerith to shield her from danger, Cloud can toss Tifa at a flying foe, and Aerith can utilize her magic to enhance Red's strikes. You'll have to discover the rest, however, since there is a ton more. Determining the optimal use of synergy abilities and character interactions is among the most enjoyable aspects of the battle system in the game. Every move seems both tactical and cinematic, yet the visually spectacular fights with their dramatic transitions are still there and better than before. It's just a lot of fun.With the new perfect guard mechanics, all characters have a much larger Limit Break bar and absorb no damage from attacks. Additionally, they have unique moves that they can use right off of a dodge without needing the Deadly Dodge materials needed for Remake. For example, Cloud can now easily strike foes who are flying with his wind-blade weapon. Tifa can take use of her very strong dodge and quickly narrow the distance between herself and her foes. Everything from Yuffie's DLC has been improved upon and applied to every character in the game.There's more. Combat from the air has been enhanced. Characters may remain in the air once they're in there, allowing for visually stunning confrontations akin to those in Adventure Children. While certain characters can leap straight onto flying opponents, others would need to shorten the distance using synergy abilities. However, one of the finest improvements to the fighting system is simply that we now have more choices and may interact with flying monsters with more ease.Additionally, party dynamics operate somewhat differently today. Rebirth seldom has this restriction, while in Remake it was determined by your position in the narrative. Any party composition is allowed as long as Cloud is involved, since the whole group will be traveling with Cloud. While exploring the environment, players may also build up three different party combinations and swap between them at any time in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. In addition, during fight, we may finally take control of the notorious, fortune-telling robot cat, Cait Sith, in addition to all returning characters like Red XIII and Yuffie.

An Entertainment Complex

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There's more to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth than simply battling monsters and trying to rescue the planet. It's a tale about friendship ties and enjoying the moments we have left with the people we care about. That and other aspects of the game show how self-aware it is. It accepts to the fullest extent that it is a video game and its ridiculous side.Cloud may be seen engaging in ludicrous side missions such finding lost pets, playing cards against a dog, getting duped into taking on someone else's monster hunting duties, or being challenged to a duel in an in-game arcade game. Having said that, I like that the creators made an attempt to make this aspect of the game entertaining and interesting, sometimes including features that are exclusive to a certain side mission.There are many of side missions and mini-games in addition to the game's engaging fighting system and the sporadic straight dungeon. You have access to several new mini-games in addition to the ones you've played in Remake, such as G-Bike, Frog Leap, 3D Brawler, and Chocobo Racing. While some of these activities are only meant to provide gamers additional things to do and more opportunities for enjoyment, many of them are intended to promote spending more time with other partygoers.In addition to all of that, Queen's Blood is another option for investment. This special card game from Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has a lot of depth. To become the greatest Queen's Blood player on the globe, I was regularly using Cloud's money on booster packs, eliminating opponents to get a special card for them, and completing an original quest line. All the while attempting to rescue the planet and searching for Sephiroth.

Our Dear Earth

The-FF7-PlanetSquare Enix (Image:
It would be Square Enix's worst error to make this magical realm dull, boring, and uninteresting since players would spend hundreds of hours in it. There are several linked areas in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, each with an own mix of goals, minigames, side missions, and exploring elements. Nor was this planet intended to seem like any other. Even places that seem straightforward, like the Grasslands, have a strange, fantasy quality.The landscape of Final Fantasy VII is home to enormous, spitzer-like mountains, flower-covered rocks, enormous mushrooms, and very large, unsuccessful Mako reactors. However, there's more. Additionally, you'll get a peek into society prior to Shinra. The world is full with environmental narrative, much of which may be unlocked by completing side missions and regional goals.Because of the way the primary goal was made, I never felt like I had to do these objectives in order to see the world and its most beautiful places. All players who want to spend more time with the game overall, learn more about the perished republic, and get to know each party member better will find them to be excellent possibilities. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, in contrast to Remake, makes use of a wide range of minigames and game elements to improve the player's experience.You may be certain that your activities will include much more than merely chasing after monsters. Certain side missions have special mechanics or revive minigames from the remake. Though I doubt many gamers will have many complaints, certain players may not find all the optional material entertaining or intriguing enough. It seems pointless to find flaws with the less engaging side missions in a game that offers hundreds of hours of main material when the optional stuff is mostly excellent.A great deal of work has gone into making the exploring enjoyable. Because of their unique skills, chocobos open up new routes via certain locations that would otherwise be unreachable. The group will eventually have access to cars as well, including the classic Buggy. Before the game offered a new exploration function, I often felt afraid to explore a new location after finishing the previous one.In actuality, every location receives distinct attention. For example, Junon is not only about the special Chocobo mechanics. Everything about the place is extremely different from the Grasslands, including the way it's laid out, how you navigate it, the music, the environmental narrative, and the culture. Every time I went to a new place, I had the same emotions. Additionally, the primary characters' responses to each setting will vary, which will further develop their own identities. The way the world of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is presented was thoughtfully designed to tell you an epic narrative and give its key characters more depth, much like just much every other aspect of the game.Take Note of the Planet's Cries
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The game's narrative is enhanced by the many tunes that are included. Each region has a few different songs, with the lyrics changing based on what the player does. When you get close to Midgar, Zack's Theme, "The Price of Freedom," will start to play. When you encounter a Lifespring, the opening theme of the original Final Fantasy VII will start to play—that is, the section when Aerith's face appears. You can bet that when a music launches, it will elicit the feelings that the creators intended.A unique arrangement of the Final Fantasy VII Main Theme plays over it while you're battling fiends. This theme originally played when you explored the Overworld in the original game and the Grasslands in Rebirth. The fight tune from the game was used by the composer as a countermelody to appeal to the portion of our brains that tells us to draw the Buster Sword. All of the songs that play when you explore an area have been given the same treatment. Although some people may not possess the ability to discern minute distinctions in music, the influence of these modifications is undeniably apparent.When you're riding your Chocobos, the theme tune for each zone has different instrumentation and tempos, much like the Chocobo theme. However, it is just one of the several music variants that are offered. I don't know of any other project that is as committed to engrossing players—especially ardent fans—by continuously honoring the game's heritage while also enhancing its soundtrack. The notion of Rebirth's soundtrack is a remarkable accomplishment in and of itself, but the musician's work is even more important and remarkable.

A Game for the 9th Generation

Square Enix had previously accomplished a remarkable achievement when they made Final Fantasy VII Remake playable on the PlayStation 4. Rebirth contains everything of it, only larger and better. The character models, lighting, and feeling of scale shown in that game were something else entirely. Having said that, it's certain that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth could not have happened without a more potent system. In fact, it's reasonable to state that sometimes even the PS5 is unable to manage the game's vision from the producers.I just used Graphics mode while I played the game, and I don't see me using any other setting. While 60 frames per second is fantastic, it's important to remember that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a mix game with real-time action and combat instructions similar to classic turn-based JRPGs rather than an action game. To play game and destroy the opponents, players don't have to depend too much on fast reflexes. I was more than used to Graphics mode and the stunning graphics of the game after experiencing both for a time.I could never really enjoy the Grasslands, Junon, and the many other stunning places on this planet by just switching back to Performance mode. Nevertheless, when I tested it, Performance mode was able to run the game at 60 frames per second. I don't believe you'll be let down if your primary concern is having the smoothest gaming possible.Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, being an Unreal Engine 4 game, could sometimes have some texture pop-ups. That being said, apart from a few sporadic texture problems in the open world, I was so engrossed in the game, its fantastical setting, and its beauty that I hardly noticed anything odd. There are absolutely no issues or malfunctions that I have seen. The game's makers took their sweet time perfecting it.

The Conclusion

When I first began playing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, I had no idea what to anticipate. However, after spending more than 100 hours playing the game, I even feel compelled to apologize to the creators for ever questioning their ability to create a product that would satisfy a die-hard fan of the original game, like myself. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth gave me the opportunity to relive a grandiose, fate-challenging, god-defying journey that I hadn't had since the PS1 days. It also brought back a variety of emotions in me and let me view my childhood friends in a more realistic light.The remake of Final Fantasy VII is an ode to the original game. It attempts to recreate the same feelings in you while acknowledging everything that made the original so wonderful. I'm not sure how the third game will surpass this one, but I do know that I'm more eager than ever to see how this trilogy ends and what Square Enix has planned for the brand going forward. Without a doubt, one of the finest video games I've ever played is Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.