Apologies, Larian Studios. We Have Proof That Dark Urge and Gortash Belong Together.

 Jul 23, 2024

The laudatory Final Fantasy 3 has quickly become a classic and topped the lists of many players, myself included, for the best of 2023. As soon as the game released, I became intrigued with the genesis story of the "Dark Urge" persona and, in Astarion's words, threw myself into learning all I could about my "precious little Bhaal Babe."

Act 2 strikes like a truck, revealing more details about the Dark Urge's past than Act 1 did. As I played, I couldn't help but notice something unmistakable: the Before the main game's events, Dark Urge and Enver Gortash very definitely had "something" going on.

Abaere is the image

Not only am I seeing the conflict between the choices made by the Dead Three, but Larian Studios is doing all in its power to avoid having "Durgetash" become canon.

While humorous, Larian Studio's ongoing denial of Durgetash just serves to fan the flames.

Abaere is the image
Many enthusiasts are eager for Patch 7 to be released. Larian has released the patch notes on their social media accounts, which include many amazing updates, bug patches, and the official modding toolkit. This passage is also included in Community Update #28, though:Larian-Studios-babygurl-doesnt-have-to-kiss-screencap-from-the-Patch-7-notes
Larian Studios is the image
The desperate Durgetash community has obviously begged Larian Studios for any scraps of material or to make the doomed ship canon, but the company has chosen violence over compassion. The studio has previously poked fun at fans of the show on Twitter and X, where they often interact with followers of the evil Lord Enver Gortash.Of course, these are not the only instances, but Larian certainly seems to enjoy the humor. The most important question about this matter, however, is why they're so committed to dash the aspirations of Durgetash devotees since there are obvious indications that the two had a "more-than-enemies-less-than-friends" relationship prior to the Dark Urge being tadpoled.

Examining Gortash and the Dark Urge's Relationship: Allies in Global Domination, or Something Else?

It is difficult to analyze what once was between Enver Gortash and Dark Urge, in part because a lot of the references to the couple's relationship are only found in books, letters, and journals that are sporadically scattered throughout the game and very easy to miss for a player who is speeding through the main story. In any case, diligent Durgetash enthusiasts have searched every nook and cranny of the Sword Coast for proof that these two were formerly romantically linked.The following letter, which was posted by u/AgitatedMango9695 on Reddit, can be discovered in the game. It includes a remark that Balthazar inserted at the end, mocking Dark Urge, and it is Bhaal's preferred way of complaining about how he couldn't help but notice Gortash's natural brilliance.
Journal-Entry-from-Dark-Urge-Discussing-Their-Feelings-For-GortashImages Captured by u/AgitatedMango9695
This is the first hard proof that the two had a far deeper connection than just combining the selected Dead Three to seize control of Faerûn. It is referred to as a "Prayer of Forgiveness" in-game. Even more hints that something is going on can be found throughout Act 3 once the player reaches it. One such hint occurs during a special conversation between Gortash and Orin in an early cutscene, when he asks, "They live?" in shock after learning that the Dark Urge is approaching the city.The Dark Urge is genuinely happy to see Gortash at the coronation ceremony, something he does not do for an ordinary Tav, when he eventually arrives at Wyrm's Crossing. In the next sequences, he displays noticeably altered body language, blinking his eyes and even grinning. He goes so far as to remark, "To think you and Karlach traveled together all this time, and she hadn't the faintest you were one of my nearest and dearest.," if Karlach is present in your group. and will thereafter say, "You and I always knew we could only stand against the world united," with certain conversation options.The player is then told bluntly by Orin, who is now assaulting their camp, that they have always been susceptible to the "Lordling's" influence.
Picture courtesy of Larian Studios
It may surprise you to learn that this was not what convinced me to give the two a chance. Learning about the Mephistopheles vault robbery, what Gortash says to the player as they enter The Iron Throne to save Ulder Ravengard, and their last dialogue in a "good" aligned run if the player decides to betray him were what truly made the game for me as a player. Interestingly, a large portion of this information was presented in Patch 6. - one of the very few hints Larian has given gamers to encourage conjecture.When the player enters Gortash's quarters in Wyrm's Crossing after choosing to betray him and save Duke Ravengard from The Iron Throne, he will chastise the Dark Urge for choosing to go against him, claiming that the two of them might have been accomplices in crime had they made a different decision. In response, the player is given a selection of conversation choices, one of which is particularly noteworthy as it reads, "For what it's worth, I think I always liked you, too." But things have to be this way. After choosing this choice, the player is presented with this poignant narrative: "He hesitates for a split second. A fleeting memory of all the times you'll never get back to spend together. Gortash jumps in with, "Is that what you—" but the Elder Brain's rumbling abruptly ends his sentence.Although this is blatant fanservice directed to Durgetash fans, shippers have chosen to use other unique phrases as well. Gortash will give the player a clear warning to halt as they start to descend inside The Irone Throne, threatening to murder every prisoner within. The Dark Urge gets an unusual, unique response to this, stating that Gortash is theirs to take from, even if it's not the most tangible. This one may seem a reach at first, but any admirer of poisonous or fatal ships can see right through the lines.The plan to raid Mephistopheles Vault is among the most intriguing bits of information about the pair's history that gamers might discover. Of course, this may simply be seen as two terrible people working together to achieve a shared objective, but it also leaves room for a lot of speculation and analysis about how much Gortash and the Dark Urge have depended on one another in the past. It also demonstrates that, despite their patron gods being bitter competitors, the two were well acquainted before to the events of "Absolute," and that they were able to get over that in order to really care for one another.Talking with Helsik in the Devil's Fee while playing Dark Urge before making the trip to the House of Hope in Act 3 will provide references to the raid. Helsik will instantly identify the Dark Urge, but as is customary, the Dark Urge suffers from amnesia and is unable to recall any previous interactions with Helsik. She's happy to share some of your past with you, informing the player that she created a doorway that allowed Lord Gortash and the Dark Urge to enter the Hells. She doesn't say much more than this, but players may also discover a memo that confirms this knowledge, written by Gortash and by an agent hired by Orin.Even if it was a stretch, the two had to be very trusted and respected of one another in order to team up to try to rob Mephistopheles, the most formidable Archdevil after Asmodeus. There is no denying the history between Gortash and his go-to killer. While many players may reasonably interpret these exchanges as the product of a strong bond of trust, it's hard to look at this data without also seeing blatant references to tragic, love longing.
Image: Larian Studios
Our interpretation of these exchanges is that Gortash and the Dark Urge have emotions for one another that are definitely not platonic. Archduke Enver Gortash is hankering for the Dark Urge, poison or not, and Larian has to quit ignoring the obvious. If we choose to support Gortash in Act 3, we should at least have one final opportunity for an emotional farewell, and maybe even that kiss that Larian keeps saying he's too busy for. Even if we are eventually unable to rescue Gortash.Playable on PC (Windows & macOS), PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S is Baldur's Gate 3 .