Review of Detective Pikachu's Return

 Jul 23, 2024

During the 2016 Nintendo 3DS debut of Detective Pikachu , Pokemon enthusiasts were uncertain on how to interpret the game. Although the game's endearing artwork and clever text were well received, many players were disappointed by its little playtime and straightforward gaming mechanic. A sequel to Detective Pikachu, Detective Pikachu Returns, arrives seven years later to wrap up the story of the detective cap-clad electric mouse on a brighter note. Regretfully, this fresh inquiry ultimately retraces a great deal of previously explored territory in terms of gameplay, all the while pursuing a riddle that the player will probably solve long before the protagonists do.

A City of Crime or a City of Ryme?

Story and SettingNintendo image

In the first Detective Pikachu, players assumed the role of Tim Goodman, who went to Ryme City in search of his father Harry, who had vanished. Tim eventually teamed up with Harry's partner, a Pikachu wearing a herring cap and speaking in a voice only Tim could hear. As players of the game are aware, Detective Pikachu left open more questions than it answered, hinting at the possibility that the artificial Legendary Pokemon Mewtwo played a part in Harry's disappearance before ending on a promising but disappointing cliffhanger.

Commencing many years subsequent to the conclusion of the last game, Detective Pikachu ReturnsIn this tale, Detective Pikachu and an older, wiser Tim look into a spate of crimes using Pokemon while also attempting to solve the mystery of Harry's disappearance. Detective Pikachu Returns , to its credit'story tackles a number of unexpectedly serious subjects, such as the ease with which corrupt people may overthrow well-meaning organizations and racial (or, in this instance, specist) profiling. Intriguing new characters with compelling backstories that further the game's plot are also included in the cast.

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Regretfully, Detective Pikachu Returns's central enigmaThe tale isn't all that interesting. It's always really simple to predict which characters will commit the different crimes in the game. The lack of subtle foreshadowing of the game's plot twists makes even the game's climax, which culminates in Harry Goodman's disappearance and features some unexpected Legendary Pokemon vs. Legendary Pokemon spectacle, feel underwhelming. This is because players are deprived of the opportunity to experience the cathartic "AHA!" moment that mystery games are meant to build to.

Play: Simple, Oh, Kind Trainer!


Picture: Nintendo

Pikachu the Detective RetunsPlaystyle-wise, it's a lot like the original Detective Pikachu. Players take on the roles of Tim and Detective Pikachu, and their job is to solve mysteries by interacting with NPCs and spotting hints left behind by the environment. Detective Pikachu Returns' mysteries make the most of the fact that the game is situated in the Pokemon universe. Players are required to use their understanding of the ever-growing roster of element-powered creatures in the series to answer riddles and piece together how a crime was committed.

As Detective Plikachu Return, whileWhile the gameplay structure of s remains mostly unchanged from the original games, a few additional elements provide some flavor. Detective Pikachu might sometimes leap onto the backs of one of his companion Pokemon during an investigation, using their special abilities to unearth evidence that he and Tim could never have discovered on their own. Partner Pokemon provide a new level of depth to Detective Pikachu Returns' otherwise standard detective system, whether you're utilizing a Growlith's increased sense of smell to sniff out strange orders or a Pangoro's brute strength to take down a concealed wall.

Similar: How to Get New Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Teal Mask Outfits and HairstylesDetective Pikachu Returns seems like a step back from the original in a few aspects, despite its efforts to innovate. Detective Pikachu was by no means an intellectually hard game, but some of its puzzles needed you to think creatively and to interact with the surroundings in order to reveal secrets that were buried. But in Detective Pikachu Returns, each situation is the opposite. loves to hold your hand a bit too much and point out significant hints while making sure you don't lose out if you make a mistaken judgment. Although this is intended to be helpful, it often comes out as condescending.

Audio and Visuals: Coffee's Sweet Aroma

The mood of the original Detective Pikachu was one of its best features. The game went to great measures to mimic the cheerful, vibrant vibe that pervades the Pokemon universe, resulting in an enticingly warm ambiance that pulled a lot of gamers in. Fortunately, Detective Pikachu Returns is equally as cute as its predecessor, which will please the many gamers who like the first game's style.Sensor Pikachu Is BackPictures are a visual treat for the senses. With intricate animations that make use of the Switch's large polygon count, every Pokemon in the game is exquisitely created and proportioned, perfectly capturing the spirit of their main series counterparts. The human cast in the game is equally well-designed, with natural facial expressions and costumes that accentuate and portray their individualities. Excellent environmental design and unexpected areas like gloomy lab facilities and icy mountains provide Ryme City a visual variety not seen in the original game.Similar: Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Teal Mask: How to Find Okidogi, Munkidori, and FezandipitiThe soundtrack of the game also does a fantastic job of bringing back the endearing ambience that made its predecessor stand out. The game gains a sense of film noir mystery from Detective Pikachu's rich, baritone voice, which is still as entertaining to listen to as it was in the original title. The voice acting for the other characters is equally strong, with a range of subtle tones that pack some unexpectedly powerful emotional gut punches. Having said that, the voice actors' sincere delivery of these lines sometimes make them seem much more uncomfortable than they previously were, and at times the language can be a touch clunky.

The Conclusion: A Flash of Genius?

Return of Detective Pikachu offers a number of advantages. Some entertaining new features to the gameplay help it stand out from its predecessor while making the process of searching for clues and deciphering puzzles more enjoyable. In addition to capturing the vibrant noir style that contributed to the original game's widespread success, the graphics and soundtrack are drenched in the legendary charm that fans of the Pokemon franchise have grown to anticipate. The game's plot isn't very interesting, but it has enough turns and surprises to keep younger viewers interested.Regrettably, a gameplay loop that drags the player down a protracted and convoluted path that almost always ends with the protagonists arriving at conclusions they have long since surmised holds back all of these components. The overall mystery also leaves little room for thought. Despite all of its charm, Detective Pikachu Returns is a shallow game that will definitely appeal to younger players but not satisfy more seasoned mystery lovers.