Overwatch 2 Beta Sojourn Guide: Explanation of Role, Kit, and Abilities

 Jul 24, 2024

With Overwatch 2's beta available continuing, a lot of people are eager to check out the new additions and adjustments, including the new hero. The newest hero to join the Overwatch squad is called Sojourn, and she comes with an intriguing kit. She may first seem to be a copy of Soldier 76, yet she differs greatly from him in many aspects. When you get the hang of Sojourn, she may seem a little strange at first, but she is one of the most destructive characters in Overwatch 2. Let's review Sojourn's equipment and how to use it.

Overwatch 2: Sojourn's Playstyle and Abilities

The majority of the DPS category characters haven't altered much, even if many of the original cast have received makeovers. But there's one reason why people are still drawn to DPS: Sojourn. She is the new hero that comes with Overwatch 2, and she brings with her a whole new and intriguing playable set.

Main Fire

The main firing of the Sojourn railgun is a fast projectile that releases energy when struck. Sojourn's secondary is charged by the energy she produces from her main. With a mag capacity of 40 shots and a firing rate of 11 rounds per second, each bullet does nine damage per shot. You can rapidly take down any DPS or Support target, destroy a tank with a mag, and use your secondary fire.

Twilight Fire

Sojourn will use her railgun to launch a charged blast as her secondary fire. This shot fires instantly and requires no ammunition. The damage range is 1.3 to 130 damage at maximum charge, depending on how much energy you have built up. The railgun charge doesn't last forever since it nearly immediately decays if you do something that would give you energy for six seconds.

Power Slide

This is a rocket-powered slide that you may jump off of at any moment to make a high leap. This move works well for breaking out from a difficult circumstance or closing the distance on an adversary with low health who is attempting to flee. Although you are unable to slide backward, you are still able to fire. It might be a little challenging to time your leap such that it occurs precisely at the conclusion of the dash, but if you get the hang of it, you can make the most of this skill.

Shot of Disruptor

When Sojourn launches an energy ball, it explodes on contact with any surface. Any nearby opponents will be slowed and damaged when the orb bursts in a tiny area of effect. When an adversary is engaged in combat with you, you may attempt to stop them from leaving by using the Disrupter Shot to block off their escape path. To get the upper hand in a battle, you may also toss it down on top of your adversary.

Increase the speed

In the end, Sojourn's fairly basic. When the ult is engaged, her secondary energy will quickly regenerate passively after you activate it. By enabling your secondary fire rounds to penetrate past opponents, it also strengthens them. When the adversaries are clustered together, it's ideal to employ your ultimate technique to attack numerous targets at once. To get a damage boost, just make sure you are attempting to aim at least one enemy's headshot height. While the charge is ongoing, you may continue to fire your weapon on a regular basis.

In general, Sojourn nearly seems like a good choice for a DPS. It is not too difficult for her to pick out a target and take them out of a bunch. Just be sure that you can make your shots fast. You're not really a flank character other from that. She has a reasonable cooldown on her mobility and no heal, so you are free to attempt flanking her, though you may find it difficult. Check out our other tutorials if you need any further assistance with Overwatch 2.

Currently in development on PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Playstation 4, is Overwatch 2.