How to Complete Every Level in Cool Math Games' Ovo

 Jul 24, 2024

Many visitors to Cool Math Games like playing OvO, and with good reason. In comparison to other Cool Math Games hits like the Run series, the platformer is competitive. However, there are parts in OvO that are really challenging, thus many players look for guidance for every level. You will learn how to complete every level in Ovo by reading this guide.

How to Beat Each Level of OvO in Fun Math Games

Chapter 1: OvO Fundamentals

The first level is easy to navigate; all you have to do is use the arrow keys to go to the right and then the spacebar to leap once over the gap. If you'd like, you may pick up the coin from the gap first.

Level 2 OvO

In order to complete this level, travel to the right and make two jumps. Eventually, a wall will appear in front of you. Jump just after going up against this wall till you contact it. You'll be able to hop over the top and obtain a considerably higher leap.Hit the hatching lines to go forward; then, leap and use the down arrow key to break through. Proceed to just under the subsequent level above and perform one more smash before leaping right away to reach the subsequent platform. After that, get to the flag.OvO Level 3

Slide towards the wall in front of you, then ascend towards the wall on your right. Enter this wall by leaping into it, then cross to the left wall, and continue wall-jumping up until you get to the platform. You can reach the flag from this location.OvO Level 4

Run and use the down arrow key to slide under the first wall, then come to a halt. Slide again, but this time, leap in midair to avoid falling over the edge. You may then go to the flag from here .OvO Level 5

Jump over the first set of spikes with J, then slide and land on the little platform. You may jump and dive across to the flag from here. To dive over while in the air, use the down arrow key.OvO Level 6

Leap once, dive to the platform, and then leap again as soon as you land. You will then be able to go to the next section. You may then go to the spring in front of you to reach the upper level. Go to your right and descend. After sliding beneath the wall, you may then slide onto the next spring.Use the following spring now, and keep going down the route, leaping as necessary, until you get to a wall jump area. After a few wall leaps, you can go to the flag.

Level 7 of OvO

In the initial section of this level, wall jump until you land on the hatched lines. After making a leap and a smash down, pass through the platform. You may then reach the flag by making a couple more wall leaps.OvO Level 8

You must jump over the first set of spikes and then leap off the next platform to reach OvO level 8. Once you've touched the ground, dive once more. You'll be launched toward the flag like a springboard by this.Related: The Greatest Money-Making Techniques in Wartales: Quick Cash

Chapter 9: Getting Serious in OvO

The difficulty of the levels in Out of the Box (OvO) increases starting at level 9. The flag will be straight in front of you on the left. A wall will fall in front of you if you attempt to walk into it. Proceed to the right, leap, and then dive over the spikes. Leap over the opening in the ground and ascend to the wall's side. As soon as you contact the wall, jump to the next platform. Climb to the edge and then leap to the top of the wall.When you're between the wall and the spikes, slide beneath them, then jump, dive, leap again, and smash downward with the down arrow key. The flag will then be in reach. Here, timing is everything.OvO Level 10

View: Abaere
In order to go to the next platform on level 10, you must slide into the first "Strong" spring. From there, you will be sent up to the "Weak" spring. Leap through the opening in the wall on the left and collide with the side spring. You'll go on to the next section.You may now stroll into the next spring after jumping over the spike. Achieve the springs by leaping over the subsequent spike. To get an additional boost, you may wall jump or bounce up them until you reach the top. Step into the next spring now, then leap up to strike the spring that is diagonal.After that, navigate the spring tunnel and, while your character is rising higher, use the down arrow key to dive over the spikes. Proceed to enter the flag from here.OvO Level 11

Level 11 requires a leap over the first spikes and a sprint to the right. Turn left and slip behind the wall as you approach the next stage, but make sure to leap before you contact the spikes. Mash downwards when you have jumped over the gab.Proceed under the subsequent wall and enter the spring. Once you've cleared the spikes, you have two options: hold down the left arrow key and press it until you land safely, or smash downward. Proceed to leap up the springs to the flag from this point on. If you need it, wall leap from the top.OvO Level 12

This level's initial segment focuses entirely on timing your wall leaps. You must wall-jump to different platforms above the spikes in order to get over them. You will quickly cross over if you just keep wall jumping whenever you can.You may wall jump up in the next section, but this time, to avoid landing on the spikes, press or hold the left arrow key when you reach the top platform. To get to the flag, leap over the spikes, do a second jump to the left, then plunge into the air.

Level 13 of OvO

Level 13 requires you to get through the first rows of walls and spikes. Go cautiously before moving on to the following section. Ascend the side walls until you get to the upper part. Aim for the flag by clearing the increasing spikes with your jump.OvO Level 14

Level 14 starts with you jumping up to the left or right where the screen reads "Here." After that, you may wall jump all the way to the top once again and navigate the hallway. You may leap up and evade the moving wall of spikes by using the holes in the tops. Two more holes exist for you to jump into.Proceed along the hallway until you are able to dive to the flag and wall jump over the spikes.OvO Level 15

Level 15: To avoid the sliding walls and spikes, get as near to the center as you can . Eventually, you'll be able to reach the flag at the top by wall jumping up the center.OvO Level 16

You may utilize a cunning shortcut to get to level 16. To do this, jump from the platform's right side, move about, and avoid striking anything in order to reach the bottom flag. If you would rather finish the level the conventional manner, all you have to do is move about and stay clear of the spikes that cross the surface.

Chapter 17 (Higher Order) of OvO

You can slow down on the walls in level 17 by pushing yourself against them while sliding down. To dodge the spikes, make short leaps off them and land on the wall on the other side. You will quickly reach the flag if you follow this strategy throughout the level.OvO Level 18

At this point, you may jump up to the platform underneath the hatching lines by using the first spring. After you've jumped through them, climb the wall. Cross across to the opposite side, then force your way through the next series of broken lines.Now that you're back in the main area, you can go to the flag by jumping through the last set of hatching lines.Top Super Mario Galaxy Characters Related:OvO Level 19

To go through level 19, you'll need to combine a variety of slides, hops, and wall jumps. Steer clear of the spikes and dive as necessary. You will reach the top flag quickly if you keep your leaps moving forward.OvO Level 20

OvO-Level-20The image is Abaere.
You should move to the left, slide, and leap over the first set of spikes in order to begin this level. The next set of spikes is to the left; hug the wall (stand near to it) and leap to clear it and strike the spring.Navigate the level by wall-jumping and dodging the spikes until you reach a center section where a spring is oriented diagonally. Leap into this and ascend along the dashed lines. To get to the flag, slide, leap, and finally dive.OvO Level 21

Level 21 requires you to utilize the springs and leap up while avoiding the spikes. You can reach the flag at the top platform if you are successful in doing this. In order to fine-tune your movement upon landing, it may be helpful to tap the arrow keys rather of holding them.OvO Level 22

You will be able to test it at this level if you have been used to fine-tuning movement. Tune your movement and land in the little gaps as you jump on the springs. Eventually, you will continue to go through the level until you reach the flag.Dives are another helpful tool for increasing speed.OvO Level 23

Use every one of your fundamental movement techniques to go through level 23. This is when wall leaping and dives come in handy. Proceed through the level until you get to the part where the note that says "Believe and Dive" is located. Once you get to the platform's edge, leap off it and plunge down. The flag will be waiting for you below.OvO Level 24

You'll have to navigate a spike labyrinth to get to level 24. Combining slides and leaps when necessary is the optimal strategy for finishing this level. In order to avoid the many spikes along the road, you may sometimes need to wall leap up the sides of walls. You should be able to reach the middle flag with a little practice.

Mechanics Chapter, OvO Level 25

The Mechanics chapter's instructional level is Level 25. Walk into the switch at the top after moving down and up the left side.. Enter the flag on the right by smashing through the hatch lines.OvO Level 26

There will be three "doors" on level 26 that you must unlock. After turning on one switch, you won't lose any door progress if you are eliminated. You may turn on the first switch in the chamber below by jumping through the opening at the bottom of the floor.. Proceed back up and enter the chamber with the second door from there.Climb to the upper left platform and hop across to turn on the next switch. After that, you may enter , the next door from the center area, and open the flag door by pressing the next switch. After doing a wall leap, you can go to the flag.

Level 27 of OvO

You must dive and leap over the first set of spikes for OvO level 27, however you must continue to go downhill while staying under the spikes. Proceed down the level's main route until you come to a section with a diagonal spring. Don't move when you fall through the gap on the right side to land on the platform while you are leaping down to this section.Enter the spring, leap across the hatching lines, slide, leap, then dive to land near the flag.

Level 28 of OvO

You have to dodge a sliding wall of spikes on level 28. As you go, flip the switches, then leap and plunge through the spike wall. Take a sharp right to descend to the next area. Then, jump over and slip under the spiked ceiling.To turn on the next switch, proceed to smash through the hatched lines. Jump up to go into the wall at the point where it says "wrong way." Proceed through and reach the top so that you may clear the spikes and reach the flag.The Top 7 Mario Wii Games Related:OvO Level 29

To proceed to level 29, press the switch and board the moving platform. Proceed ahead and cross to the next platform. To get over this, slide and leap, then go down the route, dodging the spikes along the way. Toggle the switches as you go and smash through the hatching lines. Either take the platform to the flag by jumping on the spring, or leap and dive to reach the platform before reaching the flag.OvO Level 30

Image: AbaereSlide under the first set of spikes in level 30 and smash through the hatching lines. To reach the spring, leap, smash, and then jump again while the platform is going to the left. You may continue to ride the platform until you are above the subsequent hatched lines. Keep an eye out for the lower platform by waiting on the hatched lines. Break through to go to that area.Time this similarly for the other parts, and then go to the hatching lines without a sign above them. Turn on the switch, then go on the following moving platform. Don't press the switch here; instead, vault over the spikes. After that portion, you get to the flag.OvO Level 31

You may force the moving floor map on level 31 to appear by pressing the switches. Navigate to the left of the map, pressing switches along the way. Navigate the map until you reach the flag at the top, which may be accessed via wall jumping after using a switch to open the top red wall.

Level 32 of OvO

Level 32 requires rapid thinking. Move under the first pair of walls and engage the switches. Press the following switch to launch yourself into a leap, smash, and plunge through the top opening gap. Enter the spring in the next section and slide until you get to a floor opening. After passing through here, turn on the switch.Retrace your steps to the flag located at the far right of the level.

OvO Space Program Chapter 33 (OvO Level 33)

You must cross the red platform when it unlocks in level 33. Leap over the spikes to the right after dropping through. Run back and continue leaping over the spikes as you go when you flip the switch and the rocket launches. Through the red-hatched lines, leap and bash down.After that, you may sprint to the right, slide through the next set of hatching lines to descend, and then continue sliding to the right. By doing this, you will steer clear of the rockets and slide into the springs to reach the flag area. To get there, hop and bash through the intersecting lines.OvO Level 34

You must turn right and press the switch at the top of level 34. If necessary, take refuge from the rockets by using the walls. Proceed to the left, then leap and stand close to the left-side wall to reach the next switch. You may start ascending to the region with the switch and gain additional height by doing this.Return to the main area and pass through the floor opening. In order to dodge the spikes, sprint, jump, and keep pressing switches while moving forward. After moving through the region, you will come to the flag. It will be necessary for you to smash through the hatching lines after sliding and jumping over the last set of rockets.OvO Level 35

Level 35 will cause the red platform at the bottom to begin to climb in elevation. To reach the flag below, just slide under the platform and dodge the rockets until they lift up.OvO Level 36

Level 36 requires you to leap over the next set of spikes after sliding beneath the previous one. After that, make another slide and press the switch. After that, you may use a comparable procedure to return. After flipping the next switch to the left, watch for the barriers to open. Proceed below and navigate the hallway until you get to the springs.To avoid the ceiling spikes, raise the springs and, when you reach the highest one, hold down the left arrow key. Proceed to the next spring and climb to the top; you are not required to flip the following switch. After that, you may descend till you can reach the flag by sliding, jumping, diving, and smashing down.OvO Level 37

You may access the shortcut for level 37 by plunging through the bottom floor, which is obscured on the screen. To get to the flag, veer to the right and hop over the spikes.

Level 38 of OvO

Level 38 is very cunning. Wall leap back to your starting point once the red platform unlocks. By leaving from the top left, tumbling to the left, then flying to the left, you may locate the flag.10 Uncommon Super Mario Collectibles You Must Own Related:

Level 39 of OvO

You must slide, leap, and dive over the spikes in level 39 before falling to the flag. This is the way to finish level. You will be treated to a lovely glimpse of what seem to be starry sky in the distance.

Level 40 of OvO

AbaereEasy and straightforward, level 40 allows you to move to the left, slide, and jump-dive over the spikes. You may quickly reach the flag by jumping from the edge.

OvO Level 41: The Portal Journey Chapter

Level 41 allows you to wall leap up the first wall that you come across. After passing through the first platform's portal, flip the switch to the left. After wall-jumping up, you may now enter the red portal at the top. If you follow the main route, you will ultimately need to sprint to a large portal to exit the level.OvO Level 42

Use the moving spike platforms as elevators to reach the peak of level 42. When the platforms have moved up, you may leap over without using the spring. Proceed with the level and hop on the springs to advance to the subsequent segment. You will eventually come to a spike-filled gap; in order to get the flag, you must turn right and stay clear of the spikes.OvO Level 43

Reach the main center portion of level 43, then leap under the hatching lines and smash and jump again to activate the switch. Wall leap up the following part until you reach the portal, then jump through it. After sliding, press the following switch. As soon as you do, a new gateway will appear, allowing you to move under the following hatching lines.Turn on the switch and enter the portal. Wall leap up from here to get to the flag.

Level 44 of OvO

You must enter the portal in the bottom right to access level 44. Dive through the hatched lines; after you're through, utilize the left green portal. Eventually, you will come to another one that will exit another portal. To get to the flag, pass through the red portal and then the other one in the upper right corner.OvO Level 45

To reach level 45, slide through the first portal, jump over the next spike, then repeat the process outside the portal. Proceed with browsing the portals. Proceed through them until you get to the part when it starts to fall.As you descend, stay to your right, then left, and finally right. This will bring the level to a finish.OvO Level 46

To reach the spring on level 46, you must slide and leap over the first set of spikes. Enter the portal and proceed cautiously through the subsequent series of spikes. When using the walls as rocket cover, take your time. You will eventually come to a wall with three portals. Go through the green portal (bottom portal).Pass through the middle red portal when you encounter another wall of three portals. This will lead you to an area where you must pass through the wall on the right side and the blue gateway. It will lead you to where you can reach it, right above the flag.OvO Level 47

wall jumps up to reach the first switch on level 47. Navigate through to the center chamber and leap to the left platform. To access the portal above the rocket, leap, smash, and then jump once more. Continue through the portals until you get to the area with the springs. To get them to stop bouncing you, you'll need to leap and bash against them.You may leap up to enter the green portal at the top after you've reached the end of the spring tunnel. Proceed to the left portal, then bear left and plunge to the next green portal. After jumping and diving over the wall, you will reach the flag by passing through the next portal.

Level 48 of OvO

Level 48 requires you to enter via the blue portal on the right side. Navigate through the spike spheres before jumping onto the upward-facing hatching line platforms. Proceed to the next region by passing through the blue gateway at the top.You may leap and dive through the spikes once you're at the bottom to pass through the next portal. When you see the next blue portal below you, jump, dive, and smash. Proceed to the next area and wait for the rocket to approach by standing near to the red wall. To flip the switch, leap over it and then leap up the wall.To activate the switch, return to the location were the red wall was and slip beneath the spike-filled sphere. Then, go to the following section. Eventually, there will be another opening through which you may reach the next switch. After you pass the following phase, you will be able to reach the flag by sliding through. It is going to protrude from one of the floors.Every Program Advance in the Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection Related:

Chapter on Community Levels: OvO Level 49

Level 49 requires players to slide, leap over the first spikes, and then crash down to the ground. Continue navigating over the subsequent series of spikes until you are under the dashed lines. After doing a smash leap, wall jump off the little section of wall that protrudes at the upper left corner under the dashed lines. Move through the hatched lines to the top.After that, you may glide to the left beneath the hatching lines and crash into the ground to land. Cross the next set of spikes and enter the red wall box with the dashed lines . To ascend, slide through them and utilize the box as a wall-jumping platform. Break through the lines that are hatched and have a "1" above them.The flag is now within your grasp to the right.OvO Level 50

You'll need to time your leaps and dives across many sets of moving spikes on level 50. You'll simply need to time your leaps as you go for this one, which will need some practice. There may sometimes be occasions when you must also fall through spike gaps. The level's bottom is where you'll find the flag.

Level 51 of OvO

In several ways, Level 51 resembles a spike obstacle course. As you navigate the ups and downs and over the spikes, you will need to be very active. This won't be too difficult for you after you get acclimated to the level layout, but it will take some time to complete.Practice your leaps, paying particular attention to how precisely you land on the lower platforms. You will arrive to a box filled with rockets after pressing a few switches. To escape before the rockets, press the switch quickly and smash through the hatching lines.Now that you have gained elevation, you may wall jump and turn right to go to the flag.OvO Level 52

To activate the switch on level 52, must leap and dive between the spikes. It is the movable platform where you will land. When it reaches the side, you may leap up to the top left wall from here and wall jump off of it. After that, you'll reach the next part. Make your way through the terrain while avoiding the spikes. Cross across the dashed lines above the spike gap and go to the left. At this point, jump and smash through the following hatching lines to activate the next switch. Leap quickly over the moving spike wall and walk inside the wall to turn on the switch.Move to the left, then hop over the spikes with a slide. Turn on the switch to the left of the map, which allows you to pass through the descending red wall. In order to evade the rockets, fast leap and dive over the box. For the following switch, quickly turn left and slide between the hatched lines. You will turn on the next switch after the red floors open.When you reach the floor, go to the left and either slide or leap onto the left-hand spring. You will be propelled upwards and pass through the hatching lines to reach the chamber with the big switch. With the flag, quickly leap and dive to the left to finish the level.

The Gauntlet Chapter, OvO Level 53

jump and dive over the first two sets of spikes to reach level 53. Perform a tiny leap and dive through the gap for the following part, then accelerate to slide and dive through the next section. Slide under the next set, then climb the left wall to jump and dive over the next set.Navigate the aerial walkways, then leap and descend with ease. From here, go up towards the flag.OvO Level 54

You must run to the right-side wall first in level 54, then jump the wall. After that, sprint to the left and do a wall leap. Ascend the hatched lines and swiftly navigate through the subsequent set of hatching lines to reach the upper levels.After that, you may wait until the wall of spikes links together by jumping and diving down on the left side of the hatching lines. After that, you can wall leap up to the flag.OvO Level 55

Level 55 requires you to jump over spike spheres till you get to the spike sphere that is obstructing your path. Await the platform to descend before attempting to slip under the sphere. Leap quickly while sliding in order to clear the next sphere.Repeat this beat for the duration of the next section, starting at . After there, you'll arrive at a platform that passes through the spheres' center. Remain on this and wait to leap until you are clear of spike spheres.You will need to slide under the spikes once, therefore be sure to do so in order to reach the flag.

Level 56 of OvO

You will need to continue moving and leaping to the right when Level 56 becomes black and white. When you can, land on the safe platforms until you are able to leap to a switch. Up until it pushes you along the hallway, continue to remain on the hatching line platform.Once you've descended to the bottom, continue to slide and wall jump through the necessary parts until you reach the floor's spring. You will be transported to the level's roof if you jump on it. The flag will be present if you pass through the next section.

Level 57 of OvO

You must jump and dive beneath the spikes that are waiting in your path in order to complete this level. You can eventually slip under one of the sets when you get to the side wall. Take a left turn and go up the dashed lines.For the following phase, you may stand on a corner platform. leap here, but be ready for another leap. As you approach the wall, launch yourself upward and backward once again.The other platforms may then be reached by smashing down and jumping to gain more height. Once you cross the hatching lines, go to the right as you down the side. In order to reach the flag in another hallway, you must timing your leaps to cross the hatching lines.

Level 58 of OvO

Level 58 requires you to leap to the side wall and slide down it till you can pass the spike and make little hops over to the other side. After that, you may continue descending in that manner until you get to the platform close to the bottom left.To go beyond the next set of spikes, leap and dive over from this point. To get to the little platform on the left, jump and dive once more. Ascend to the next one, then leap and down to the highest level.The following phase may be reached via wall jumping after crossing the wall platform on the right. To get beyond the square spikes, hop down and synchronize your jump with the springs. The left-side spring will enable you to be bounced up to the top. After leaping down and turning left, you will get to the flag by hopping over the spikes from this location.Connected: Pyro Commander DMZ Location

Level 59 of OvO

You will need to dive a lot on Level 59 in order to avoid spikes. In this level, portals are the platforms that sit on each side of certain blocks. If anything has any color on it, you may identify it as a gateway. Navigate through them and keep sliding and jumping over spikes as needed. By keeping an eye out for the precise location of the spikes, you will eventually reach the flag.OvO Level 60

Level 60 requires a leap over the first set of spikes to the little opening. After that, you'll be allowed to go on to the next set as well. From here, leap and dive to the summit before descending and turning left. After diving and jumping over the spikes, ascend to the next platform.Proceed to the left and dive over to smash through the hatching lines after this. Up till the next space between the spikes, slide and leap. Repeat this to get to the portal that you can smash through. Go down the corridor portion, dodging the spikes, until you come to a second portal.After that, you'll be on a moving square where you must maneuver to stay clear of the spike-filled spheres. When you get to the switch, leap into it, and then keep moving the square while avoiding the spike spheres. Eventually, you'll come to the square's flag.That's it—a guide explaining how to clear every level in Ovo. Now that you are fully prepared with all the advice, it's time to prepare to take on this platformer once again.