A Guide to Increasing Guts, Charm, Knowledge, Proficiency, and Kindness in Persona 5 Royal Social Stats

 Jul 24, 2024

A system called social stats in Persona 5 Royal lets you level up several parts of your character to help you in both your social and phantom thief adventures. One may enhance their social stats in five different areas by engaging in everyday activities such as studying or working a part-time job. Every stat has a maximum level of 5, which may not sound like a lot on paper, but in reality, it will take weeks to level every stat to its maximum. Leveling up social stats in Persona 5 Royal takes time, just like everything else in the game, so if you want to focus on becoming better, you'll have to put off hanging out with friends or exploring the metaverse. While there are more options in Persona 5 Royal than in the base game to raise social scores, doing so is still very difficult and time-consuming.

In Persona 5 Royal, Why Are Social Stats Important?

Persona 5 Royal is impacted by social statistics in every way. They control what you can do and who you can see on any given day. You will need to increase your Guts stat to a specific degree in order to participate in a clinical research with Takemi, for example. If your compassion isn't good enough, Ann won't notice you; the same is true for Makoto and knowledge. The quantity of infiltration tools you may manufacture at once is also influenced by your Proficiency stat. If your Charm isn't high enough, The Flower Shop won't employ you either. In Persona 5 Royal, raising your social stats may lead to a number of new possibilities and long-term advantages. Fortunately, Persona 5 Royal includes a third semester and a few new methods to raise social metrics . gives you an abundance of additional time to maximize your social metrics.

The Greatest Methods for Increasing Persona 5 Royal's Courage, Skill, Kindness, Charm, and Knowledge

Top Methods for Boosting Gut HealthBecause there aren't as many strategies to increase guts as there are other social variables, guts is by far the hardest to grow. It is likely that you will need to depend on hobbies like reading books or renting DVDs, which may improve all social stats. Having said that, the following activities might help you get more guts:
  • Participating in a clinical trial with Takemi
  • Taking the Big Bang Burger Challenge
  • Ordering the Surprise Sando while studying at the Diner
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games
Top Strategies for Increasing ExpertiseEarly on, proficiency may be rapidly increased since the majority of upgrading techniques are initially enabled. In addition to earning goods by building infiltration tools, you may increase this stat by working at a number of well-paying occupations. You may improve your proficiency by performing the following.
  • Spending time with Iwai
  • Working part-time at the Beef Bowl Shop
  • Working part-time at Crossroads
  • Visit the Batting Cages
  • Crafting infiltration tools in your room (especially on rainy days)
  • Ordering the Totem Pole while studying at the Diner
  • Going fishing
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games
The Best Methods for Enhancement GoodnessYou're likely to see an increase in this area since two of the top Confidants in the game enhance your Kindness stat just by spending time with them. You won't have to worry about being exhausted since Leblanc offers a ton of nighttime activities that enhance Kindness after a metaverse visit. Enhancing kindness may include the following actions:
  • Spending time with Sojiro
  • Spending time with Shinya
  • Working part-time at the Flower Shop
  • Cleaning Leblanc
  • Tending to the plant in your room
  • Ordering the Nostalgic Steak while studying at the Diner
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games
Top Tips for Enhancing CharmSpending time with Confidants will also help you develop your charm, which is another social metric that can help you get to the top. If you concentrate on other social metrics as well, school activities may also provide you with a significant boost. You can also start leveling it up quite early. Enhancing charm may include the following actions:
  • Spending time with Yoshida
  • Spending time with Ohya
  • Visiting the bathhouse (especially on Monday/Thursday/Rainy days)
  • Visiting the maid cafe
  • Doing particularly well on exams (requires high Knowledge)
  • Dodging thrown chalk in class (requires high Proficiency)
  • Working part-time at the Convenience Store
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games
Top Strategies for Increasing KnowledgeAs a student, knowledge is essential to achieving academic success. Correct responses to questions in class will help you to gradually increase it without taking up any more time, so if you know all the answers, you'll be receiving knowledge points consistently. At locations like the Diner, knowledge may also be enhanced along with a few other social metrics. The following actions may enhance knowledge:
  • Spending time with Hifumi
  • Choosing to pay attention in class instead of slacking off
  • Answering class questions correctly
  • Studying at the Library, Diner, or Leblanc
  • Answering TV quiz questions correctly
  • Solving crossword puzzles in Leblanc
  • Reading books
  • Watching movies
  • Watching DVDs
  • Playing video games

Another Method to Boost Social Statistics

Certain items in Persona 5 Royal have the ability to randomly raise one of your stats or slightly boost your social metrics. Depending on the number of customers in the store on any given day, working part-time at Crossroads gives you the chance to enhance several of your social metrics. If you complete the Big Bang Burger task, all of your social metrics will grow except Kindness; if you don't successful, you will still get a little boost to Guts. Lastly, you may purchase juice that instantly boosts one of your stats at the Shibuya Underground Walkway booth. To maximize the impact on all of your social metrics, schedule your weeks to take advantage of the bonuses that specific activities get on certain days, such as purchasing juice on Sundays or visiting the bathhouse on Mondays or Thursdays.