Steam servers are being shut off by Hawken Developer.

 Jul 23, 2024

The first-person Mech warfare game on Steam, Hawken, is being shut down by its makers. Even though the game was just launched three years ago, it seems the creators are already working on new projects. The Hawken development team announces that they are stopping the servers in order to "refocus our development efforts" in a Facebook message to followers.

On January 2, 2018, the PC version of Hawken will be discontinued. Starting today, October 2, 2017, all of the game's downloadable and purchaseable DLC will likewise be inaccessible.

The developer said in a letter, "Working alongside such a dedicated PC player base has been an incredibly rewarding experience." "We're excited to use what we've learned to make more amazing games."

The idea of fast-paced, first-person mech combat generated a lot of excitement before Hawken's first release. Although the message seems positive, there is still confusion within the community over the decision to totally shut down the servers without providing an alternative method of playing games via LAN servers.

The Hawken team hasn't made any indication of discontinuing the Xbox or PlayStation versions of the game.